Because my wife Una took such good care of me last year (during my fight with cancer), I asked her to do something for herself as a reward. She decided she wanted chickens. So now we have a chicken coop next to the house. Here are some pictures:
Weil mich meine Frau Una letztes Jahr so gut gepflegt hat (als ich Krebs hatte), habe ich sie gefragt was sie sich den als Belohnung wünsche, und sie hat sich für Hühner entschieden. Also haben wir jetzt einen Hühnerstall am Haus. Here sind einige Bilder.
The chickens started laying eggs a few weeks ago, and we have a small harvest now. The eggs are still very small, but the hens are also still very yound. Mmmm, the eggs are delicious. You'll find pictures of the eggs on page 6 on the chicken webpage.
Die Hühner haben vor einigen Wochen angefangen zu legen, und wir haben jetzt täglich eine kleine Ernte. Die Eier sind noch nicht sehr groß, aber die Hennen sind ja auch noch sehr jund. Mmmm, die Eier schmecken herrlich. Bilder von den Eier gibt es auf der Seite 6 auf der Hühnerwebseite.
Enjoy ... Viel Spaß
I've always wondered if there is a noticeable difference between the taste of fresh eggs and store bought eggs. I gather there is. Can you taste a difference between the different breeds?
There definitely is a tast difference, and also a difference in consistency (a really fresh egg has a firmer egg white portion). -- But I cannot taste a difference between the breeds.
Having had a turkey egg ones, then I did detect a slight tast difference.
the is a huge difference between fresh eggs * and store bought eggs.
* = and another huge difference between eggs from free running chickens and chicken hold in a cage.
And believe me: worms taste better than chemicals and preservatives
Well, my girls aren't free-ranging (we have hawks in the neighbourhood), but their cage is about 100 sq. ft. They don't get much chance to graze outside, but I bring them greens and such into their run everyday. And yogurt - they love yogurt!
I just can't wait till I get my spoon into one of Una's "who dances with chicken"-eggs :0) Hope I can make it in two or three summers - I'm busy saving for the flight tickets ;o)
greetinx from Cologne
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